(Selected) Work in Progress
Part of the evaluation team for the 2019-2021 Unemployment Benefit (UI) reform at the Institut des Politiques Publiques (Evaluation for the French Ministry of Labor), with B. Fabre, F. Fontaine, and M. Tô
Gender differences in the impact of unemployment benefits: Evidence from a RKD in France, with A. Ferey, F. Meluzzi and A. Uhlendorff
A review of EU trade dependencies, EIB (European Investment Bank), EIB flagship report, April 2025
Non-academic publications
Identifying European trade dependencies, 2024, with I. Mejean; in Pisani-Ferry, J, B Weder Di Mauro and J Zettelmeyer (eds), Paris Report 2: Europe's Economic Security, CEPR Press, Paris & London.
CEPR Bruegel Paris Report, Reports webpage, CEPR's Paris Symposium 2023
Media: Bruegel's podcast, VOXeu Column, CRESTive Columns
Seminar: CEPII-Banque de France Competitiveness Seminar
Abstract: We review and extend upon existing literature using product-level trade data to identify trade dependencies that expose the European Union to potential disruptions. While acknowledging the significance of concentrated foreign input sourcing as a source of vulnerability, a comprehensive assessment of vulnerabilities should also consider the potential for substituting away from disrupted input sources, both domestically and abroad. This may necessitate devising novel statistical measures at the European level. We present a novel methodology that identifies trade dependencies by integrating these substitution sources. Our review encompasses normative arguments justifying public interventions to improve the resilience of value chains. We intersect our identified dependencies with a measure of geopolitical risk, their upstreamness in the value chain, and also focus on critical products and strategic green technologies. The specific targeting of these policies varies depending on the nature of risks they aim to mitigate. Finally, we discuss the range of policy tools available for crafting a resilience policy.
Quel est l'impact économique de l'accueil des réfugiés ?, 2021, with E. Auriol and M. Péron, Focus du Conseil d'Analyse Economique, 70
Contribution/Research Assistance to the following Policy Papers:
Micro-simuler l'impact des politiques publiques sur les ménages: pourquoi, comment et lesquelles ?/Micro-simulating the Impact of Public Policies on Households: Why, How and Which Ones?, François Bourguignon and Camille Landais, CAE Note n°74, September 2022
La culture face aux défis du numérique et de la crise/The digital Age and Crisis: The challenges Facing Culture, Olivier Alexandre, Yann Algan and Françoise Benhamou, French Council of Economic Adivsors (CAE) Note n°70, February 2022
L'immigration qualifiée: un visa pour la croissance/Skilled Immigration: A visa for Growth, Emmanuelle Auriol and Hillel Rapoport, CAE Note n°67, November 2021
Que peut encore faire la Banque centrale européenne ?/What else can the European Central Bank Do?, Philippe Martin, Eric Monnet and Xavier Ragot, CAE Note n°65, June 2021